Male - Terrier mix
Age: February 2021 | Weight: 13kg
Toby was reported to us from one of our former employees. Living in Bucerias and with owners, they relinquished him to our care. He is in fairly bad shape and really needs some vetting and TLC. He has dermatitis from being covered in fleas, so has lost a significant amount of fur. He needs to be neutered and has erlichea but we can easily treat that. He also has an old injury to his right front paw/leg, making it fully non-functional. Likely he was hit by a car or moto and never treated. He will need a full amputation. Currently he’s on a medical hold. He seems pretty depressed but we know he will come around. We kept the name he was given by his owners, to hopefully help ease the transition. We will post more about his personality as we learn about him. At this point we can’t really estimate when he will be ready for adoption, but possibly by mid April. We need to get him healthy so he can have surgery and will go from there…