Male - Mountain Cur/Plott Hound
Age: February 2023 | Weight: 17kg
We were messaged about a badly injured dog needing help behind Los Arroyos Verdes on the east side of Bucerias. When we showed up, we saw this poor dog with a horrific injury. We were sure he would need an amputation. After a fairly difficult rescue, due to where he was laying and the fight he put up, we got him to our vet. Once there, it’s as if he knew we were helping him. He was very gentle and even pushing his head into us as to say thank you. Known as Striper, as named by the women who fed him, we chose to keep his name. He was a street dog who loved to go on morning walks with people but we were told he also liked to chase cars. We can only assume he was run over by a car or a moto. Our vet indicated there was no break in the leg but due to the extent of the wound, he recommended Striper stay at the vet for wound care. He came to us February 25, 2025 and so far has spent over a week at the vet. He should make a full recovery but it will likely take a month at least. We have debated about putting him back where he was rescued from, once fully healed and vetted. But, we have been told the landlord of the building, where he stays, wants the dogs gone! His mom is still there and people are caring for her currently. She looks very similar to him and if someone wants to adopt her we can go get her. Otherwise, we will get Striper healed up and vetted and then he will be ready for adoption. We will updated here as we learn more about him once he’s with us at the shelter.