1st Quarter 2020 - A very busy time for ADNL
We received our legal status as an AC in September of 2019 and since that time have been both working with the dogs and establishing the administration required by the government. We had our first meeting to vote in a board on February 19 with Lynn Bailey as President, Jessica Garabay as Treasurer, Arturo Gas as Secretary and Karen Chesson and Samara Pok as Directors. Working together to decide our mission and vision statements, where to we want to take this AC. What are we trying to accomplish and what are our goals moving forward.
With the new land being cleared and some fence posts installed, we also had a meeting with an architect whom has kindly donated his time to create a plan for the shelters future. We also visited the PVSPCA to find out how they started and what they accomplished in the 15 years they have been an integral part of Puerto Vallarta’s rescue society.
During these first few months of 2020, there has been a lot happening out at the shelter. We started shoring up the kennels that we have with proper chain link as well as adding 5 more kennels in an isolation area for those needing quiet and solitude to recover from injuries or medical treatments. We purchased a 5000 litre tinaca and pump system which enables us to have water in the house and delivered to each area of kennels at the shelter. We are currently working on adding roofing to the kennels to prepare for the rainy season.
We have started a volunteer dog walking program that has been hugely successful. The volunteers meet each morning Monday through Friday at the Santander Bank on the corner of Estiones to grab a ride in the shelter truck. If you’d like to participate please email adogsnewlife.volunteers@gmail.com and Francine our wonderful Volunteer Coordinator will set you up with all the information including transportation as required.
We have been working hard to fulfill all the requirements to start applying for grants, as we will need larger donations of money to start building the infrastructure required for the new shelter. Dorothy Meeks has kindly volunteered to work on completing all the information required and hopefully we will be able to qualify for some of them. As you know the coronovirus put a quick end to all the markets and fundraising events we had planned. This has really impacted our donations but with us becoming a part of the Banderas Bay Charities you are now able to donate to us and receive a tax donation receipt in either Canadian or US funds. If you would like to donate please click here.
Our new website is one of the first steps to creating a platform for us to provide information and ways for our supporters to donate to the cause. We will be sending out newsletters with information to keep everyone up to date on our current happenings while everyone is away for the summer. Hopefully we will have some volunteers from those who live here all season to help us out over those tough months. If your interested in helping us out please email adogsnewlife.volunteers@gmail.com.
Donations are desperately needed for us to continue improving the infrastructure out at the kennel, with the goal of moving to our new land in the future.
We created 5 new kennels to be used for isolation and recovery areas for our new or recovering dogs.
Our new tinaca allows for us to have clean and safe drinking water for the dogs.
The pump system provides the ability to put the water in the tinaca on the roof of the house, as well as provide hoses to fill the water barrels in the different areas of the kennels.