
Male - Boxer

Age: February 2020 | Weight: 19.1kg

One of our staff found Bolt when we were having a community spay/neuter clinic in Tondoroque. She was looking for dogs to be done and saw the horrible conditions he was in. His eye was bleeding, he could barely walk and his skin was in terrible shape. He literally looked so sad. He did have an owner but the man didn’t care about him one way or another so we kept him. Due to the poor conditions he was in, he was not neutered that day but will be once healthier. He did test positive for erlichea and also, unfortunately, heartworm. He is fully asymptomatic. He had the tumor removed from his left eye and it was sent in for pathology. The vet said the leg injury was old and there is nothing to be done. When we got him he wasn’t using his right front leg at all. Now, a week later, he is using it some but will likely always favor it or not use. His attitude and personality have completely changed since day one. He is amazing around other dogs and shows no food aggression. He LOVES people and is 100% Boxer. He jumps around and spins and is very playful. If you aren’t giving him attention, he will bark at you until you do. We would love nothing more than for this guy to get adopted. Sadly, we can’t fly him due to airline breed restrictions and we don’t have the ability to treat his heartworm. He would need to be driven out of Mexico or adopted here locally. We will do all we can to get him a home. It is extremely rare to see Boxers down here and this guy is so deserving of a forever family.